Summary: A tool for applying patches with conflicts Name: wiggle Version: 1.2 Release: 1 License: GPL Group: Development/Tools URL: Source0:{name}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot %description Wiggle is a program for applying patches that 'patch' cannot apply due to conflicting changes in the original. Wiggle will always apply all changes in the patch to the original. If it cannot find a way to cleanly apply a patch, it inserts it in the original in a manner similar to 'merge', and report an unresolvable conflict. %prep %setup -q %build make BINDIR=/usr/bin \ MANDIR=%{_mandir} MAN1DIR=%{_mandir}/man1 MAN5DIR=%{_mandir}/man5 \ CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS" \ wiggle %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man{1,5} make BINDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin \ MANDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir} \ MAN1DIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1 \ MAN5DIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man5 \ install %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) /usr/bin/wiggle %{_mandir}/man1/wiggle.1* %doc ANNOUNCE TODO notes %doc p %changelog * Thu May 22 2003 Horst von Brand 0.6-1 - Initial build.